PORTLAND, MAINE: STRIVE members find joy and boost literacy by reading to cats at the Animal Refuge League. Fiona Shea leans over a cat bed at the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland and caresses the head of 8-year-old Dylan, […]
Cats love to be outside. That is common sense! However letting your precious kitties around on their own can lead to many cat-astrophies, lost, or worse, hurt or killed. The solution? The catio (a patio, for cats). A catio is […]
A Persian cat was completely matted and in terrible shape when he was found and rescued near to Auckland City, New Zealand. It took the better part of 3 hours to cut and shave mats out of his fur, and […]
One almost seems to be encouraging the other to try harder to get it. Cats are very smart and as we cat lovers know, they have their own ways of communicating not only with us but with other cats and […]
The state of Massachusetts is proposing a state-wide registry of animal abusers in an effort to stop selling pets to repeat offenders. The bill, titled H. 1385, “would establish an animal abuse registry for individuals convicted of an animal […]
A kind young woman had found a ginger stray cat when she was visiting Cyprus. The kitty was practically skin and bones, wanting to be fed and needing to be loved. She started to care for him and soon she […]
Reddit user and rescue group volunteer lauradiamandis posted this picture of special needs kitten Clark Kent online and told his whole story through her interaction with commentators. The photo has so far received way over a million views. She writes: Clark […]