Hell hath no fury like a scorned kitty. Never leave your adoring kitty spouse in the lurch. Never leave her at the alter. Never leave her for another female kitty. And whatever you do, make sure you’re not near anything […]
Quick thinking witnesses rescued the frightened little brother and sisters when they spotted what was happening in the Coultry area and brought them immediately to safety. Today the kittens are recovering from their ordeal at the Dogs Aid Animal sanctuary […]
Gallatin, Tennessee: A firefighter gave the biggest sun-shining smile as he pulled a tiny kitten our of a storm drain Monday night. A passerby just so happened to capture the moment in a photo. Tennessee firefighter Ryan Thompson rescued the […]
A self-confessed ‘crazy cat lady’ has left her husband for her 35 cats - and says she has never been happier. Kelly Cruse, 33, says her husband gave her an ultimatum that either the cats went or he did. Kelly, […]
SPRING, TX (KTRK) - An animal rescuer looking for a lost dog discovered not a dog, but a cat. It’s how she found him that will haunt her for the rest of her life. Janet Zimmermann first heard the cat’s […]
A stray cat who had been living near a shop had given the shop owner quite a surprise not so long ago. She had obviously given birth and was nursing her kittens, but three of the kittens are much smaller […]
When a family heard a tiny, lonesome kitten crying on the deck of their house, they went outside to inspect the sound of the cries and saw a frightened little fur ball, who was praying and searching for someone to […]
Rescuers spent all night searching kitten who had been meowing for help all morning. When they took the little ginger kitten home, he couldn’t stop hugging and snuggling up to his rescuers. Wei said, “Koji and I came back home […]
Dr. Matt Carriker is known for his passion for saving rescue animals These two little fur balls came to his care at the Vet Ranch, a non profit organization where “homeless animals can come to be cured. Cured from treatable […]