Central Oklahoma Humane Society Gets Something Very Special to Save Thousands of Dogs and Cats Every Year

OKLAHOMA CITY - Homeless cats and dogs just might be singing in celebration, because they are getting some much needed financial help.

“Pretty excited. This grant is going to do amazing things in terms of saving more dogs and cats,” said Susana DellaMaddalena, the president of Central OK Humane Society.

Central Oklahoma Humane Society applied for the Watershed Animal Fund,
which is founded by Sue Ann Arnall, the former wife of Harold Hamm.

With this new grant, the Humane Society said it will be able to add three programs including a bottle baby nursery.

“About 2,000 baby kittens and puppies, we believe, enter the shelter and don’t come out alive, so this is a program that will let us take those babies, get them into our program and, ultimately, get them into homes,” DellaMaddalena said.

That’s because the OKC Animal Shelter is not able to give them the 24/7 care they need as newborns.

“Some of the babies come into the shelter at a very early age, and they need to be bottle fed every couple of hours,” DellaMaddalena said.

Another new program in the works will help relocate animals to other states for adoption.

“It’s a relocation program where we’ll be able to pull 1,800 dogs a year and send them off to partners in other communities, so they can find them homes,” she said.

In conclusion, the main focus of this grant is to help get as many animals out of the city shelter as possible to avoid being euthanized.

“We have a really high number of homeless animals coming into our city shelter for a city of our size, 24,000 is a huge number,” DellaMaddalena said.

Way to go, Oklahoma!
