Couple Adopts ‘Sad Cat’ Who Was Almost Put Down - Wait Until You See The Transformation!

This is the story of BenBen!

Benben might have truly been the saddest cat in the world prior to being adopted!

He was spending his ‘final’ days at a shelter and was on the list to be destroyed. Benben had a cauliflower ear, some very deep lacerations, and broken spine.

It is assumed that BenBen was probably attacked by some bigger animal.


As you can see the excess skin on his face causes him to always look unhappy and depressed. The shelter staff explained to Love Meow that BenBen would probably die soon because he wouldn’t drink, eat, or even move.


Then suddenly, a miracle happened.

A kind-hearted woman appeared at the shelter and demanded to adopt the cat.

“Everything was ready for euthanization when this woman came and adopt the kitty”.


BenBen was only at his new forever home for an hour and he was already beginning to come out of his shell and his transformation began!

“He was immediately full of smiles, purrs, and ‘thank you’ cuddles, ” said Benben’s new owner. “He realized he was now safe and had his permanent sweet home at that moment.”

The vets had warned his new owners that BenBen would probably never walk again. But now, Benben not only walks but he can also run and jump and has turned into a very active and joyful cat!

Here is Benben on his way to his new forever home:


Here is Benben, enjoying his brand new life!





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