Plenty can happen in two months! Just ask Hank, the tiny kitten dumped a pet supply store in a tissue box. After Hank was handed over to some staff, Animal Control was called for help. The kitten was filthy, covered in dirt and fleas. Hank was merely four-days-old and weighed just 80 grams. Her chances of survival weren’t all that great, however, if anyone could help her, it would be Hannah Shaw, better known online as the Kitten Lady.
Orphaned newborn kittens (who are aged eight weeks and under) are a vulnerable population. They simply cannot generate their own body heat, they cannot go to the bathroom on their own, they cannot groom themselves, and require specialized knowledge and overnight care that most shelters are not equipped to handle. Unless some foster parent who is experienced in handling newborns steps in, most orphan newborn kittens are euthanized before close of business the day they are brought in to shelters. Despite Hank’s terrible odds, Hannah was still determined to try to help.
Hannah first went ahead and removed all of the fleas by giving Hank a gentle, warm bath. Hank was also very quickly wrapped up in a soft blanket and placed on a heat disk to keep her warm.
Baby Hank was then syringe-fed because of how tiny she was. Over the next few weeks, she put on some weight, her eye infection cleared, and at three weeks old, Hank was ready to take her first little steps.
It was at this point that Hank was wildly popular on Hannah’s “Kitten Lady” social media pages. So when baby Hank tested positive for panleukopenia, which is an often deadly virus, Hank’s fans were upset. But Hannah didn’t give up.
Hannah actually provided round the clock care and thankfully, the treatment worked and in the end - Hank beat the odds!
“She survived one of the worst viruses a kitten can have. I am beyond proud of this little fighter,” Hannah stated on her Instagram page.
So, what’s up next for Hank: a loving, forever home! Hank and Kodi, who is another baby kitten foster of Hannah’s, immediately became BFFs and it was clear that the two needed a home together.
The applications came literally pouring in for the two munchkins and Hank and Kodi just recently moved into their new home!
Hank and Kodi are now sure to lead healthy, happy lives together, all thanks to Hannah’s dedication and compassion!
For more truly amazing rescue stories, be sure to follow Hannah on Instagram, here.