Cat ‘Holds Vigil’ for Police Officer Who Died from Cancer

LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND – This is the heart-warming story of Charlie, the cat!

A loyal cat whose owner recently passed away from cancer holds a vigil at the window of the house – waiting for her owner to come home.

John Osborne was a police officer in Lincolnshire, who worked on the case of Beverley Allitt, the serial killer who had attacked children in her care at Grantham Hospital in the 1990s.

“He was one in a million. He spent 31 years in the police force”, said his longtime friend, Jean.

The last photograph taken of John Osbourne with Charlie Photo: Jean Bryant

The last photograph taken of John Osbourne with Charlie
Photo: Jean Bryant

Ever since, his cat Charlie has taken up a position at the window of the house, as if she’s still waiting for him to return.

“How sad you cannot tell a animal their human isn’t coming home”, Jean added.

Jean Bryant contacted the folks at ITV News Central with this extraordinary story.

Charlie holds her window vigil for John Credit: Jean Bryant

Charlie holds her window vigil for John Credit: Jean Bryant

She says Charlie’s loyalty and simple presence are helping the entire family deal with the loss of John.

“A very extraordinary cat; I witness daily seeing my daughter and his cat pulling closer together to deal with their loss”, Jean stated.
