State Worker in Sacramento Racing Against Time To Save Feral Cats From Rising River

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA — Right now, a state worker is hoping to save feral cats before they are washed away near the Tower Bridge in Sacramento.

Dave Johnson says he’s been doing this for just about two years now, and he calls it his lifelong mission. He’s passionate about cats, especially those living by the Tower Bridge.

“They know my voice,” he said.

He supplies them with food, and makes sure that they are all spayed or neutered.

But with rising water levels, he’s concerned about their very survival. He’s set cages to trap them, hoping to get all of them them to a shelter.

“I was trying to do it, like, all week into the cages but they don’t go to the cages. They’re so smart,” he said.

But other critters aren’t so intelligent.

“Sometimes I get raccoons but I haven’t see them lately though but they’re here too,” he said.

There are no stairs there to get to the cats, and there is about a 30- to 40-foot drop. He gets down with a two-story fire escape ladder and uses rappelling rope to tie around the cages to hoist them up.
