Stray Kitten Interrupts A Live News Cast And Instantly Becomes A Sensation!!

MICHIGAN - What happens in a stray kitten’s life may not exactly be ‘world news’ but one tiny kitten had a brilliant idea of how to air her issues. Nima Shaffe, who is a WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) reporter, was on location in Detroit when he received a friendly visit from a very unlikely guest who decided she needed some airtime.

Right in the middle of a segment that Shaffe was working on about Gun Safety Week, the stray kitten stepped right up and started meowing for the entire world to hear. After finalizing the broadcast, the crew investigated and located the sad, lonely kitten where she was still meowing.


She instantly nestled herself solidly into their hearts which resulted in her becoming one of their nightly stories. Later on in the broadcast, the anchors at Channel 7 returned to Shaffe to find out a bit more about the darling animal who never ceased in her attempts to get herself noticed. She was appropriately named Lucky 7.


An officer came by a while later to transport Lucky 7 to safety and clearly fell in love with her too. She was placed in the care of the good folks at the Humane Society of Huron Valley and will soon be put up for adoption in the weeks to follow. Many people have already called offering to give her a permanent home already and everyone is confident that she will indeed be homed as soon as she is available.


It seems as though she had a plan from the very beginning with the interruption of the broadcast if you look at how easily she has adapted to her newfound stardom. A spokesperson from the shelter noted how friendly and affectionate the kitten is and that she was purring and kneading with her little paws throughout her veterinary exam. She is currently living very comfortably in her nursery while waiting for her new family to come and get her.
