Conservationists are now hoping to reintroduce lynx into the wild in 2016 - but some farmers say they’re worried about livestock. Wild cats just might be reintroduced into the forests of Britain by the end of 2016 - with lynx […]
KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN – A Kalamazoo woman whose cat alerted her to a house fire right on Christmas Day is now finding her pets are a strong impediment finding a new place to live. “I can never abandon him,” Clarice Aikman […]
She has spent the best 17 years with her best friend Spooky the cat. The kitten simply chose her one day when she was just a small child and the two became inseparable friends. @FlukeOrFate shared their story with the great […]
A very friendly stray cat crossed paths with a kind man while he was out in the country. She begged for attention and love and wouldn’t let him go for anything! “While visiting relatives over the holidays, we found this […]
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS — Even after her death, Lib Horn is still working to help Washington County’s cats and dogs. Horn, a former director of Fayetteville’s animal shelter and a longtime animal activist, died back in November. In her will, she […]