A three-legged kitten was adopted by a family with a 2-year-old girl, Scarlette, who just so happens to be an amputee herself. From the moment they first met, they connected as if they understood each other. Scarlette is an extremely […]
According to Susan Paretts at the University of Southern California, colds are quite common in kittens because these little guys don’t have fully developed immune systems. These colds are directly due to upper respiratory infections caused by either virus or […]
Please, write in a comment how many of these 30 facts you were NOT aware of after reading the list! Without any further ado, here we go! Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees and every cat has 32 muscles […]
Zombie cat has returned! A year after miraculously rising from the grave, Bart the cat is happy, healthy and — as far as we know — not a zombie after all! He’s also the subject of a fierce, ongoing custody […]
DELAWARE - Ever heard the one about the three blind cats befriending two pit bulls? This is the story of Faithful Friends foster mom, Sherry Stewart. Stewart, who works in corporate marketing, has fostered more than 60 dogs and 22 […]
With all the craziness and sad cat stories of 2015 we here at The Best Cat Page thought you, the members, might all like to start 2016 off reading a happy ending story. This story takes place in Colorado. Theresa […]
A young man who has before never had a cat his whole time was touched by a tiny kitten who came into his life during a time of need. “I have never experienced a kitten sleep next to my head, […]
We here at The Best Cat Page don’t share as many videos as we should, but this one is just completely too cute to pass up. Yes, we all know it is imperative to spay and neuter our pets in […]