SPCA Offers Makeshift Cat Shelters in Pennsylvania

WOODWARD TOWNSHIP, PENNSYLVANIA - Clinton County S.P.C.A. has an affordable way to keep outdoor cats safe and warm this winter by using Styrofoam containers to help animals and the environment.

Before you toss that empty Styrofoam cooler into the trash, here’s something to consider.

“They make really great shelters for the stray, feral cats,” said Sandy Considine.

Instead of throwing them away, there is someone who might be able to use it so, “Donate them to your local SPCA because this is what we turn them into.”

Yeah, this is probably not a project for a kid to do,” said Considine, because of cutting of a hole which is needed.

With duct tape and some muscle, Considine put together a few of the small outdoor cat shelters volunteers hope to give away this weekend during the Clinton County SPCA in Woodward Township.

“They are called coolers but we call them igloos; they are triple or double insulated,” said Considine.

Considine is a volunteer with the trap neuter return program located in Clinton County.

“I’ve seen where they have 10,15 of these out on their porches.”

“They ire re-purposed. They are not ending up in a landfill, not ending up in the back of the yard where they don’t break down,” said Considine.

“They are re-purposed. They are not ending up in a landfill, not ending up in the back of the yard where they don’t break down,” said Considine.

While this may be the very first year the SPCA is holding the igloo giveaway, these containers are always here for families, if they want them. At the same time, they are always looking for extra coolers and straw from people in the community who are able to donate them.

“I think that’s a really good idea because there are tons of feral cats that need little homes for when it’s cold out,” said Cierra Long.

“They may be stray, they may be feral, but the caretaker loves their pets and they are going to do what it takes to keep them warm,” said Considine.

The igloo giveaway is this Saturday from noon till 3 p.m. at the SPCA located in Clinton County.