Orphaned Fawn Loses His Mom But Finds a New BFF

A fawn who had lost his real mom managed to find a special friend in the interim.

It wasn’t long after Skye the fawn lost his mother that he completely lost the will to eat and the will to live. This is when rescuers contacted All For the Love of Animals, an animal rescue and sanctuary located in South Carolina for help.

It was there that Skye met Oliver the cat, who immediately took to the fawn and became his very best friend in the world, right when Skye was most in need of true friendship.

And when Skye the fawn wasn’t being fed by Samantha Joedicke of AFTLOA who was in the process of nursing the little guy back to health. rest assured Oliver was right by his side, keeping him warm and safe.

Sometimes a little love and tenderness make all the difference in the world.

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Photo credit: All for the Love of Animals
