This story begins with a woman literally jumping out her vehicle to save the life of a cat who clearly wasn’t able to see very well.
This poor wee one had managed to wander out into the middle of a busy road.
Upon further investigation, following the daring rescue, it was noted that the poor kitty’s eyes had been intentionally glued shut.
“She was crossing the road (4 lanes), her eyes were shut closed… When I first picked her up in the middle of the road, she had flu, fleas and a cough,” Nessa said on reddit. “But she had a strong will to survive.”
Nessa took the wee one home and over time, nursed her back to health.
She has since named the kitty “Ramona.”
Although Ramona is partially blind even now, she at least ended up finding her forever humans and her forever.
Nessa went on to say out her harrowing rescue, “(It was the) best decision I ever made in my entire 22 years of life!”
Now at just 8 months old, Ramona is slightly cross-eyed but she is happy and healthy and in the best possible place she could be, living with humans who love her dearly.
Watch the heart-warming video of Ramona waking up her humans one morning.
A photo posted by nessa (@nessakhoo) on