Hilarious Instagram Pics Of Cats Admiring What Their Humans Are About to Eat!

Any cat owner will surely understand these pictures of cats watching their owners eat.

A photo posted by naomiuno (@naomiuno) on

While some pet owners may be completely against their pets ogling their food as they try to enjoy dinner time, others are more excepting of their four-legged friends to join in!

One couple’s cats love to watch them eat so much that they decided to document all of it for a funny little photo-shoot!

These photos, which are majorly adorable and bound to give you a giggle, show their two cats staring out dish after dish in the hope that they’ll get a few helpings for themselves.

And with the amount of meals that the fluffy felines can be seen admiring, we’re actually pretty surprised they don’t have their own place set at their humans’ table …

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Photos: naomiuno/ Instagram
