Coffee Cat, Internet-Famous Brother of Nala the Cat, Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer …

White Coffee Cat may just be one of the most striking felines on social media. The British shorthair has one million followers on Instagram and judging by those deep blue eyes, we can sorta see why.


Coffee keeps his adoring fans up to date with his adventures in his home town in California, sharing adorable photos and videos on social media.

Recently his owners broke the news that he is suffering from lymphoma after they found a lump amidst his thick white fur. They took him to the vets only to discover his kidneys were enlarged due to a mass nestled behind the organs.

They wrote: ā€œHello friends, we received Coffeeā€™s test results and unfortunately it came back positive for lymphoma. It means our little guy has cancer. We are in complete shock and still havenā€™t been able to digest it all.

ā€œWe will be seeing the oncologist tomorrow and hopefully he can guide us towards a treatment plan that will help Coffee feel better.

ā€œWe are dedicated to doing everything we can for him while ensuring the best possible quality of life and of course, comfort. Our hearts are broken, but we know we need to be strong for him.ā€

Coffeeā€™s owners admitted that since the post, they have been ā€œoverwhelmed and touchedā€ by the love and support that flooded in following the felineā€™s diagnosis, and thanked those that had helped fund the medical costs.

On Wednesday Coffee attended his first session of chemotherapy and is said to be doing quite well. Heā€™ll be returning once a week for a total of 25 weeks for treatment.

A photo posted by nala_catšŸ¾ (@nala_cat) on

Coffee is not the only feline in his household that has captured the hearts of social media users, his ā€œsisterā€ Nala is pretty famous herself.

The 5-year-old Siamese-Tabby mix has a whopping 2.8 million followers on Instagram as well as her own website, where she draws awareness to endangered sheltered cats ā€“ as she once was ā€“ and raises money for animal charities through her online store.

A photo posted by nala_catšŸ¾ (@nala_cat) on

Currently all of the sales from the store are going towards Coffeeā€™s medical funds and if youā€™d like to help, take a look at Nalaā€™s store where you can pick up everything from kitty clothing to phone cases to other types of adorable items ā€“ all kitty-inspired, of course!

Link to Nala Store.
