The Door County Humane Society is looking for foster homes for cats and their kittens.
(Photo: Submitted)
DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN - The Door County Humane Society is currently searching for people to foster cats and their kittens as part of a pilot program.
The humane society will hosting an orientation for interested people at 1 p.m. April 23 at at the shelter 3475 County PD, Sturgeon Bay. At that time potential foster families will be able to ask some questions and fill out an application.
Colleen McCarty, animal care technician at the shelter, said spring is the time of year when the humane society sees a huge surge in kittens.
“In an attempt to alleviate the crowding at the shelter, we decided to implement a foster program to get the orphan kittens and mothers out of the shelter,” McCarty said.
McCarty said it can be very difficult to give the cats and kittens the care they need once kitten season gets underway. Kittens need to be fed every two to three hours, as a rule.
“Last year we had 112 kittens come in that were under 6 weeks in age,” she said.
Recent adoption events have brought the shelter’s cat population down to a mere 44 cats.
Before the end of March, however, two mothers had already given birth in house, said April Delfosse, communications and development coordinator for the shelter. Those kittens will begin to add up quickly.
Delfosse hopes families will look at the program as a way of teaching their children responsibility and empathy.
Those chosen to will be provided with all the supplies the cats will possibly need. Fosters must be able to transport the cats back and fourth to the humane society for appointments.
“We are looking for people who are willing to take these cats in and nurture them, feed them, socialize them and monitor them and bring them back when they weigh two pounds,” McCarty said. At that time the cats may be spayed or neutered.
For more information or to RSVP for the orientation, contact assistant animal care coordinator Debbie at 920-746-1111, ext. 7 or deb@dooranimals.com.