ESSEX, UNITED KINGDOM - The RSPCA is appealing for any information after a kitten was dumped in an Ikea car park in Essex.
Five-month-old Vinnie was found packed in a pet carrier by a member of the public in the car park of the furniture superstore at Lakeside Shopping Centre.
The grey and white youngster, believed to be half-Bengal, was left in a parking space in the carrier with a heartbreaking note reading:
‘Hi, my name is Vinnie and I am a very handsome five-month-old half Bengal boy kitten. My mummy loves me very, very much but is unable to keep me for personal reasons. And I am very sad”
A pouch of cat food and some toys were also left with him in his carry basket.
A shopper found him and very kindly took him home before calling the RSPCA.
“Vinnie’s owner took him into Ikea and tried to give him away but, when they were told the cat couldn’t be taken in, he was left in the car park in his carrier.”
“He was found in his carry basket in a parking space. A car reversing into the space could have easily failed to spot the carrier and run him over so he’s very lucky he was rescued when he was. I’d like to thank the member of the public who took him to safety and called us.”
“Vinnie will soon be at our RSPCA Essex Havering Branch and will be looking for a new home.”
“If, for whatever reason, you can no longer care for your pet, there are lots of organizations and people who may be able to help. Please don’t abandon your animal without the proper care and attention they require. If you are struggling to care for a pet, please contact our 24-hour line on 0300 1234 999 for advice and help.”
Another successful, but sad rescue.