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These Rare Felines May Have You Crying Wolf – WEREWOLF!

Werewolves are truly fantastic creatures with the ability to shapeshift between a human form and a wolf form. The idea of werewolves has been the subject of folklore and mythology for literally hundreds of years and has even been celebrated in the popular culture of today – as any die-hard Twilight fan can attest to.

However, what may surprise you about werewolves more than anything is that they are not exclusively associated with man-wolf beasts. In fact, there are some cats with rare genetic traits that have earned them the moniker of “werewolf.”

Take time to stop and smell the flowers 💐. I'm definitely missing the warm weather! #flowers #lykoicat #lykoi #werewolvesofinstagram #petphotography

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Of course, they aren’t actually werewolves!

These cats, which are called Lykoi cats, are ordinary domestic shorthairs with an extraordinary appearance due to a natural genetic mutation.

Nearly Autumn…I am so ready to get into my groove! I love the colors of fall 🍁🐾💕

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These cute wolf-like kitties are actually perfectly healthy—their mutation is merely skin deep. It gives them their thin hair which can occasionally molt, leaving them nearly hairless at times, and a lack of fur around their eyes, nose, underbelly, and paws, according to the Mother Nature Network.

Sisters 🙂 #lykoioutcross #lykoicat #Lykoi #gobblesgobblins

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They may appear a little more scruffy than your average cat and perhaps a bit more menacing, but rest assured, these cute critters are definitely sheep in wolves’ clothing.

Even in a werecat pack, these kitties are far from fearsome.

If you enjoyed these werecat babies, then be sure to share this post with your friends.