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Postal Worker Believes Cat on Route Wants to Kill Her

Easy there, tiger!

That’s the very sentiment behind a video filmed by a Canadian postal worker who crosses paths on a daily basis with a pussycat that appears to not be particularly fond of special deliveries.

“I love my job so much and this cat truly makes my day. It’s hate for me ‘could’ hurt my feeling…just the one…but I feel there may be a deeper issue at hand. Pretty sure it wants to kill me,” comments postal worker Debra Anderson in the caption for the video, which has in upwards of 100,000 views.

In the clips which were filmed on March 20, the black and white cat jumps at the window rather enthusiastically, eager for the chance, it seems, to literally pounce on the friendly postal worker’s face — fluffed tail and all.

In another video which was posted April 2, Anderson notes that she may have misinterpreted the kitty’s mischief as murderous.

“Good news, the owner is alive and well and has a similar sense of humour as myself (THANKFULLY),” Anderson mentions in the video’s caption. “She says the cat literally waits all day until she hears the mailboxes ‘clink’ when I shut them … then moves to the window to ‘play.’ ”

“Oh she loves the attention,” the cat’s owner is heard saying in the background.

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