This adorable kitten has rear leg paralysis and is believed to have been abused. She just received her very first acupuncture treatment and the results were absolutely incredible!
This is Chloe!
“Tonight we rescued a kitten with rear leg paralysis from suspected abuse. She is so sweet and so vulnerable; we absolutely could not say no to her,” Kitten X Lady shared on Instagram. “We had actually visited the shelter to pick up a 2 week old orphan, but we ended up taking not just the 2 week old…but also this 6 week old who cannot use her back legs at all. Tomorrow we will go to the vet for diagnostics and begin her road to recovery. I don’t yet know what will happen, but I do know this: now that she’s here, no one will ever lay a cruel hand on her again. She will be loved, she will be fluffy and clean, and she will be given the best chance I can give her at regaining mobility.”
“Things she likes: toys, soft sweet talking, gentle chin scratches, having her backside held up for her so she can walk around and explore using her front legs.”
At the vet, it was soon determined that Chloe was likely stepped on which resulted in her broken back. Her prognosis wasn’t good at all and vets believed she might not live to be a full grown cat.
She has a long list of serious health concerns, one of the main being her bladder. It needs to be expressed manually which is exceedingly difficult due to muscles of her urethral sphincter being constricted. She will need a muscle relaxer and also a lot of gentle, frequent care.
Her human parents however weren’t ready to throw in the towel. They absolutely fell in love with Chloe and were going to do everything they could to give her the happy love filled life that she deserved.
They decided to look into some alternative treatments in reference to Chloe’s neurological damage.
So when they took Chloe to get some acupuncture treatment at City Paws Animal Hospital, they were praying for a miracle.
“You guys. Chloe’s first acupuncture experience exceeded our wildest expectations. In this video you can see how relaxed she is during acupuncture and electroacupuncture (she literally fell asleep on her alpaca while listening to calming music)-and you can also see that she began to kick her legs, move her tail, and even STAND UP. This is incredible. Bear in mind that this is just a very small victory on a long road, but we now are looking ahead with more optimism than ever. Thank you to everyone who has donated so she can receive this care. We love you so much. Thank you for believing in Chloe. And thank you @citypaws14th for giving Chloe a chance!”
Chloe has been completely exceeding everyone’s expectations. She is seriously a fighter!
“I want to thank @iamlilbub for referring Chloe to the Assisi Loop (pictured above), a medical device that has been instrumental in Lil Bub regaining her mobility. It’s a device that uses pulsed electromagnetic field technology to promote healing in animals. The science behind it is complex and fascinating. The electromagnetic field triggers the production of nitric oxide in the body, a molecule that reduces pain and inflammation, improves blood flow, reduces edema, and supports tissue regeneration. This device is suggested for inflammatory conditions, such as an injury to the spine like Chloe’s. This is just one of the many, many things I am doing with Chloe, and so far I am astonished to say that right after her first session on the Loop, she actually began to regain partial use of her bladder(!)…which doctors told me would likely never happen for her entire life. She is now peeing when stimulated (as opposed to having to have her bladder expressed), which is honestly so shocking and exciting I can’t believe it. We can’t know for sure what any of this says about her prognosis, but what I do know is that this progress has been unbelievably touching to witness. I deeply appreciate everyone’s well wishes, and am very thankful for @iamlilbub.”
If you wish, you can follow Chloe’s miraculous road to recovery with frequent updates @kittenxlady!
Hannah Shaw has dedicated her entire life to finding innovative ways to protect animals. Her project, which is called Kitten Lady, strives to create global change in the way everyone perceives and treat the tiniest and most vulnerable felines: orphaned kittens.
To help her save even more kittens like Chloe, you can make a donation here.
Photo credits: @kittenxlady │ via: