Disabled Kitten Who Lost Her Front Legs In Dog Attack Gets Special Table To Stop Her From …


This absolutely heartwarming video shows a disabled kitten who lost her front legs in a dog attack eating using a specially-designed table to stop her from literally falling on her face.

Osman Kaplan rescued the two-month-old kitten, now named Zeyna, after a friend asked if he could take her in, Anadolu Kedisi reported.

Mr Kaplan, who creates cardboard houses for animals living on the streets of Ankara in Turkey, said when he visited Zeyna the following day.

She had lost one of her legs and sadly, the other was broken in five places, presumably in a dog attack, he said.

He decided to take her to see a vet, but her leg couldn’t be saved and was amputated.

‘After the operation, she looked at me in such a way that I told her, “I shall be your arms that you don’t have and you shall be my happiness that I don’t,” to which she replied with a meow’ he stated.

Zeyna made an extremely quick recovery but Mr Kaplan noticed that she struggled to eat with no front legs to support herself.

So decided to design a special table – with foam at the front to protect her chest – so she could eat without falling over.

He uploaded a video on his Facebook page showing Zeyna using the table and it quickly went viral, attracting in upwards of 17,000 views so far.


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