21 Pictures Proving That All Cats Are Actually - Secret Agents

1. You may believe you have a pet cat, but that’s not the case.

2. The truth of it is, you’re living with a tiny, furry spy.

3. Does anyone know why they are constantly spying on us humans?

4. One can only speculate.

5. It’s likely cats are planning to take over the world!

6. They demand complete and total power.

7. They’re constantly gathering intelligence and it’s only a matter of time.

8. Don’t be too worried though, it’s not your fault that you’re living with a spy.

9. Because cats are highly trained in their spying techniques.

10. And they also start when they’re young.

11. Their camouflaging techniques are quite advanced.

12. You probably don’t even realize you’re being watched.

13. Seriously, how can anyone be expected to compete with this?

14. Of course, you’ve probably had your own suspicions right along.

15. I mean, how could you possibly not?

16. Perhaps you’ve even stumbled upon one of their meetings.

17. Or perhaps you’ve witnessed one of their cunning plans falter slightly.

18. It should be noted also that cats don’t discriminate against who they spy on.

19. They simply have an inner need to spy.

20. And they’re doing it like … ALL THE TIME!

21. In the end, who really cares if they’re spying on us or not?

We love cats - regardless of what they’re doing!

via: www.buzzfeed.com