ISIS Using Pictures of Kittens With Bombs to Recruit New, Young Members

A prolific British ISIS recruiter is now using an encrypted messaging app to groom youngsters into joining him in his madness in Raqqa.

Omar Hussein, who once worked as a security guard at Morrisons’ supermarket in Buckinghamshire, has posted disgusting and disturbing pictures of his cat sleeping in a bomb belt and beside a grenade.

The grey cat, who is called Lucy, is pictured curled up inside a black belt with her eyes open and looking directly into the camera.

Underneath the picture he wrote, ‘Come closer and I’ll blow the entire house down!’

In a second picture, he placed a grenade next to the sleeping cat.

His latest public posts on encrypted messaging application Telegram are of trees in a park and he has previously photographed stores which sell child toy shops and women’s shoes.

Interspersed between the shots, are the British jihadi’s blog articles and advice for people who would like to join the Islamic State.

He has also linked to a disturbing report that teach other jerks like him on ‘safety and security’ for carrying out lone wolf attacks.

2F8675FE00000578-3367740-image-m-26_1450613569722Hussein, 28, who has been linked to a man convicted of a plan to behead someone on Remembrance Day, has shared a number of photos of his life in Raqqa.

In one article entitled ‘Hating the Kuffar’, which concerns non-muslims, he says that even if they are kind good people, they must be hated because liking them is ‘selfish’.

‘Yes, this is in our religion; loving the Muslims and hating the kuffār. Islam is not a religion of peace (alone), it’s a religion of peace, war, love and hate,’ he writes.

‘So the ‘kind’ neighbour, the colleague at work, your boss, your son’s school teacher, the postman, the bus driver, the cashier at the supermarket, that random woman who takes her dog out for a walk every morning to the park .. all these people must be hated.

‘A kāfir is a kāfir, period.’

He also lists a female recruiter for ‘sisters’ who would like to travel to Syria.

Despite Telegram and Anonymous shutting down 78 ISIS related accounts in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, recruiters are still using the app to attract youngsters and spread ISIS propaganda.



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