Abandoned Kitten Not Able to Use Her Hind Legs


Here’s the touching story of a tiny kitten who was rescued by a kindhearted couple who found her in the road. At first, she was unable to use her hind legs.

A woman named Gloraeanna and her partner Zaak rescued the tiny kitten they found in the road recently. The poor wee one had apparently been hit by a car. She was weak and not able to use her hind legs when she was found but she quickly began to regain her strength and mobility after being fed and after being held and petted for a bit.

Gloraeanna posted a video with the kitten, telling everyone about the rescue, to her Glory Song YouTube account, where she wrote in her introduction: “Zaak and I found this kitten in the middle of the road when we were coming back from our bike ride today. We thought she was dead until she lifted her head towards us.

I muted the beginning of the video because we were crying a lot. We thought we were about to watch her slowly die in pain. We sat with her for 10 minutes until we decided to move her to the side of the road. We waited but she only seemed to feel better 🙂 so we took her home and cleaned her up.”

Watch the touching heartwarming video below, which is followed by a few posts with the kitten from Gloraeanna’s Instagram.


A photo posted by @gloraeanna on

A photo posted by @gloraeanna on

Found her on the road today ♡ How could someone hit and nearly kill a kitten and then just leave it there to die!? ???? I’m glad to be able to take care of her though.

A photo posted by @gloraeanna on

Source: www.lifewithcats.tv