Cat is Reunited with Owner After Mysterious Three-year Absence!

SCOTLAND - There’s actually a very happy ending to the tragic tail of a Fife cat now reunited with its loving owner — but no one is any the wiser as to where the grey and white cat has been.

Missing from home in Kirkcaldy, Jingle was eventually picked up just 20 miles away in north east Fife, but his whereabouts in between times remain a mystery.

The Scottish SPCA has since reunited the happy cat with his owner after he went missing from his Kirkcaldy home.


Scotland’s animal welfare charity was alerted after a member of the public spotted the cat wandering around in her garden in Cupar.

A microchip scan established that the cat, named Jingle, was actually registered to an address around 20 miles away.

Animal rescue officer Robert Ward stated: “The member of the public who called us noticed Jingle struggling to walk in her garden.

“When I scanned him for a microchip, I discovered he was 14 years old and belonged to a lady in Kirkcaldy.

“I called his owner to let her know I had found him and she couldn’t believe it as Jingle had been missing for over three years.”

He traveled back down to Kirkcaldy with Jingle to reunite him with his owner and stated, “she was so happy to see him again”.

“We are so pleased we could reunite Jingle with his owner after such a long time away from home,” Mr. Ward continued.

“Sometimes the nature of our job means we have to deal with difficult or upsetting situations.

“However, happy endings such as this make it all worthwhile.”

However, Mr. Ward said the story highlighted the benefits of microchipping pets.

“Without a microchip, it is unlikely Jingle would ever have found his way home.”
