Cat Saves Owner From Mobile Home Fire in Spokane And Then Goes Missing

SPOKANE, WASHINGTON - A cat that alerted his human to a fire in a mobile home saves his human and then goes missing.

“I hope he got out,” said spokeswoman Melanie Rose on behalf of The Spokane Valley Fire Department

The fire itself was reported at 9:22 p.m. Wednesday.

A man and his dog who were inside at the time of the fire did manage to escape unharmed, but two house cats have not yet been accounted for.

The resident told firefighters that he was in his bedroom with the door closed when one of his cats became very agitated. He opened the door and saw that the single-wide mobile home was completely full of smoke, Rose said.

“He shut the door and got out the back window,” she said.

The closest fire hydrant was buried under a large snow drift and the next closest one was not in service at all, which challenged firefighter efforts, Rose said.

The cause of the fire is believed at this time to be an overloaded electrical circuit, Rose said. The home had smoke alarms, but none of them were working.

The mobile home itself is a total loss.

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