Cat Stops Young Boy From Doing His Homework In Cutest Video Ever!

Life with a pet can truly be both fun and challenging. The video below of a young boy and his pet cat proves just that. The video clearly shows the boy trying to finish his homework and study. However, his kitty sure seems to have other things on its mind. Try as he may, the kitty just wouldn’t let him study.

Shared by People’s Daily, out of China, the video, just a little over a minute long, shows various occasions when the child tries his best to study. On each and every one of these occasions, the cat tries its very best to stop him from studying. It can be seen walking across the boy’s desk, patting him with its paws, licking him affectionately, and even sitting on top of his books.

The boy, in vain, tries his best but the cat seems to be on a mission of its own – ‘operation no homework’. Enjoy!

“Ooh! So sweet. Both of you are so cute babies. I love you baby boy. Please take care of the cat and study hard. I love cats too,” says one Facebook user on the video

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