Cat With No Eyes Dumped In A Box Underneath A Parked Car!

MICHIGAN – It was already a very dark Friday night when a Harbor Humane Society employee backed her car out of a parking space, and heard something scraping around underneath the vehicle.

Thinking she’d somehow run over a bag of dog food someone had left for her, she got out to look and found a mangled cardboard box with tape on it.

She then watched a cat run out from under her car.

The woman then pulled out a flashlight and slowly approached the spooked cat.

“He was shaking and obviously scared. I got him inside and realized that not only did he not have any eyes, but the place where his eyes belonged were infected with green discharge,” stated Megan Brunsting, shelter manager at Harbor Humane Society, which posted the account on Facebook this weekend.

“At this point, I obviously realized he was abandoned. I can only guess that someone saw my car covered in cat decals and thought I would get their cat taken care of, but failed to realize I could have easily ran him over and I’m lucky I somehow missed.”

The cat, who has since been named Murdock, is being cared for by staff at the shelter in West Olive.

He was resting comfortably over the course of this weekend. The gray and white feline is estimated to be about 4 years old.

Harbor Humane Society has since posted another photo of Murdock on its Facebook page. It’s a bit more graphic than the one used here, so reader discretion is advised.

Shelter staff are not quite certain just how the cat lost its eyes, but said they planned to alert authorities at Ottawa County Animal Control.

The shelter has stated that they’re concerned about how Murdock was abandoned just steps from their door, in a box shoved under a car.

Part of the shelter’s mission is not only taking in stray animals but also working with people who cannot keep their pets.

“Please do not abandon your animal, they deserve so much more,” staff stated.

If you are interested in donating to Murdock’s care, click here for information on how to do that.

For updates, be sure to follow the Harbor Humane Society
