Cat Without Hind Legs Won’t Let Anything Slow Him Down And Is A True …

OHIO - Magic is a very special kitty who has no hind legs. However, this doesn’t seem to stop or hinder him at all!

Magic arrived at Friends Of Felines Rescue Center in Defiance, Ohio when he was just six weeks old.

Jacci Moss, who is director of FFRC stated, “He had been at a rescue but due to his severe leg deformities, FFRC was asked to help him. We drove down to get him and returned already in love with this little boy.”

Jacci took excellent care of him.

“He was bottle fed, tested, wormed, vet checked.”

“Magic’s rear legs were so deformed, they looked like a pretzel which caused him a lot of trouble when he had to potty,” Jacci said.

The veterinarians decided to remove his back legs and his tail completely.

“He went from having to handle those rear legs that caused him pain to a zooming kitten.”

Magic also met Trucker, who is another cat with whom he has a lot in common!

The two of them, of course, became the best of friends and do everything together.

“There is a real connection between these two cats”, Jacci noted.

Magic successfully figured out how to use the litterbox on his own and can now get around swiftly with his amazingly strong front legs.

Magic is now a permanent resident of FFRC. He is already two years old and is a very happy, well-adjusted cat!

“He’s like a beacon to us—showing us that no matter what life throws at you, it can be dealt with,” Jacci stated.

“Some of our cats have disabilities. Cats just figure things out… They do not waste time feeling sorry for themselves—they simply get on with the act of living and have a whole lot of fun doing it! In their heads, they are fine and dandy, just as they are!”

“I know that Magic has been an inspiration to many folks—they’ve told us how he gives them courage to carry on,” Jacci went on to say.

“He sits straight up and cranks those front legs in motion full speed ahead, with his head held high!”

Watch Magic’s inspiring video here:

For more, follow Friends Of Felines Rescue Center! / Photo credits: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center
