Grand Falls-Windsor Teens Save Helpless Kitten!

CANADA - A good Samaritan brought the kitten to the SPCA and she now has a new chance at life.

A small kitten has a small group of teenage boys to thank for saving her life just hours before she would have perished from the cold and starvation in an abandoned building on New Bay Road which is located in Grand Falls-Windsor.

According to the SPCA, the kitten is just about eight weeks old and was in such rough shape she wouldn’t have made it through the night if not for a group of boys who found her and brought her to safety.

Michael Dicks and his friends went for a drive during their lunch hour on Thursday down New Bay Road, which is very near to their school. For one reason or another the boys decided to stop at an abandoned building and one boy heard a kitten purring. That’s when Michael went in and picked up the kitten who was left in a pile of trash with nothing but a tiny blanket under her.

“I couldn’t just leave it there,” Michael stated.

He knew immediately the kitten was in ill health and they had to bring her to the local SPCA.


“When we received her she was pretty hypothermic, very lifeless, she just stayed up in (a volunteers arms) all day, she didn’t move, she was just shaking because she was so cold,” stated SPCA volunteer Michelle Keats.

There is absolutely no way to know right now just how long the kitten had been outside, but the SPCA has issued a report with the RCMP.

Since the story started to circulate on Facebook today people have been commenting, letting it be clear how outraged they are, calling the situation “shameful and disgusting”.


The SPCA wants people to know that if there is ever a situation where you cannot keep your animal, abandoning an animal is simply not an option. Bring them immediately to the SPCA where they will be given compassionate care and a chance to find a loving home.

“There’s no reason for this to happen in this day and age, if (someone) could drive all the way to New Bay Road (they) can drive here and put it in a box and drop it off,” Keats stated.

Now in a warm and safe place, the kitten who was rescued is doing better and has been placed with a cat whose kitten was just recently adopted. While there is still a chance the kitten may become ill and need veterinary attention, for the time being it appears she is going to be okay.

She is a very lucky kitten all thanks to the quick thinking of Michael and his good friends.

Kudos to all of the kids who were involved with the rescue!
