Kitten Who Was Attacked With Acid and Left to Die Gets Rescued Thanks to a Kind Stranger!

BULGARIA - Recently, a man heard a great deal of whining coming from an old, abandoned house. When he went to see exactly what it was, he was shocked at what he found: a tiny kitten, covered with huge open wounds and skin hanging off most of its head and body. Without a second thought, he scooped up the squealing kitten and rushed him to the local veterinary clinic in Plovdiv, a city in Bulgaria.

Because of the fact that the kitten had severe burns all over his head, neck, and back, the veterinarian concluded that the kitten must have been attacked with some kind of chemical. Someone had intentionally thrown acid onto this tiny, defenseless kitten. From the way he squealed and was writhing around, it was debatable whether or not he would make it.

Finding The Woman Who Rescues All of the Animals


Meanwhile, a woman arrived at the very same clinic with three animals in need of help. She did this kind of thing on a daily basis and had spent the last decade or more rescuing needy animals off the many and various streets of Plovdiv and even set up a Facebook page which is called ”Save Me,’’ to share stories of animal rescues and ask for help.

‘’Are you Desislava Stoyanova?’’ a man, cradling the very tiny kitten with horrific burns all over its body, asked her.

Apparently, someone had told the man all about Desislava and her work helping multitude of needy animals. He’d really wanted to help the kitten but because he was only renting, he wouldn’t be able to take her home. He hoped she would be able to take him in and give him all the love and care he needed.

One look at the tiny kitten whose skin was literally melting and Desislava was completely smitten. And so consequently, she took him home, with all the medication the vet provided and began her journey of healing with Yoda, a name which came to her as soon as she agreed to take him home.

About Yoda’s Lifeline


With his skinny limbs and many weeping wounds, Yoda was incredibly fragile. All he wanted to do was snuggle with a brand new found furry friend: one of the kitten’s Desislava had taken to the vets’ and also brought home.

While Desislava kept her spirits up, she wasn’t precisely sure whether Yoda would make it. But like with all the others, she would do her very best to give him a second chance at life.

Each and every day, she maintained the same routine for Yoda: feeding, cleaning up his wounds, dripping antibiotic drops into his eyes, and also gently rubbing cream over his sores, to speed up the healing process. In spite of all the suffering he has faced, Yoda is one of the sweetest, most patient kittens anyone will meet. He even purrs when Desislava lovingly rubs cream over him.

Why Yoda Can Never Be Ordinary


It’s only been just a week or so since Desislava was first acquainted with Yoda but even within those seven days, she can see an obvious improvement. He’s no longer squealing or writhing around in sheer agony, largely because he’s getting the treatment, the love, and all the care he needs, Yoda is thankfully healing slowly but surely.

With such severe burns, it’s going to be quite a while before he starts looking like a normal cat. All the skin around his head and eyes, for instance, is still pink and completely fur-less. But in due time, Desislava knows Yoda will get better. He may never look like your average cat but then again. Yoda is no ordinary cat at all, he’s one of a kind.

How You Can Help Yoda and Others Like Yoda


If it wasn’t for people like Desislava Stoyanova and the man who discovered him, kittens like Yoda would never get the happy ending they deserve. Thanks to your support, Desislava Stoyanova is able to help even more animals like Yoda.

All donations made will go towards food, litter, and veterinary treatment. How to donate can be found in Desislava’s ‘’Save Me’’ Facebook page: Спаси ме/Save me
