Orphaned Piglet Comforts Kitten Bestie When She Has Seizures

Batman, who is an orphaned piglet living at the Rancho Relaxo rescue in Woodstown, N.J., can be seen in the clip below comforting his kitten friend Sriracha as the feline had a seizure in a video posted to Instagram.

Sriracha, sadly, has been diagnosed with a neurological disorder called cerebellar hypoplasia.

As a result of this particular condition, she has a lot of problems walking and keeping her balance. She also suffers frequent seizures, according to the rescue.

However, the 2-week-old piglet could be seen the video cuddling up on his friend, and even holding onto the shaking kitten.

“He has been extra attached to Sriracha today,” who is the rescue founder Caitlin Cimini writes. “I swear he knows she has had a bad couple of days and feels the need to comfort her.”

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Source: Instagram