Pompous Albert Is the New Face of Grumpiness! Watch the 1st TV Commercial with this Famous Cat!

Being a cat mom or dad is truly one of the best things in the world. It makes you happy like all the time. However, being the cat parent of Mr. Pompous Albert will make you feel happy, as well as famous, which is not bad at all!

Just who is Pompous Albert?

This office cat was born with one truly scary-looking facial expression that will make you surrender to him and become his servant straight away!

The cat is a very proud representative of the selkirk rex breed. As an office cat he usually just stays at a business center in Utah and he judges people just by looking at them.

According to his colleague Deana Pet, he is literally always ready to conquer the World and nobody can stop him do that. So, the mission began!

His First Commercial

Inspired by his completely unique appearance, the guys from Honda decided to hire Pompous Albert as their main ambassador in the new marketing campaign.

In this new commercial, Mr. Albert just plays himself – the cat who is not impressed of things.

Also, the famous cats on the Internet should certainly be aware of this new talent. This must be heard clearly especially by the ultra-popular Grumpy Cat who made a fortune with her expression of hate. There’s a brand new grumpy in town!

Be sure to follow Pompous Albert on Facebook!

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