This Rescue Kitten Gets Adopted by the Family Dog – And Now …

Loki was mere tabby kitten when he was adopted by his forever family.

Quite understandably, the little boy was extremely shy and clung to his human parent for comfort.

However, when Loki was first introduced to the family dog, whose name is Okami, the kitten was immediately accepted by his new Pomeranian best friend – and the rest seems to be history.

Loki’s human went on to share the sweet story on Imgur and we just can’t handle all the cuteness.

Loki and Okami became best pals the first time they met. (After all, once you nose boop someone, you’re friends for life!)

Okami absolutely loved his new feline friend! He would stay right by the kitten’s side while he was napping just so he could be there when Loki woke up.

Okami simply couldn’t stop kissing Loki and would always want to clean him. Serious friendship goals.

Okami quickly became very protective of Loki, always watching him to make sure he was okay. And the feelings were certainly mutual!

Okami and Loki continue to sleep together, eat together and nap together. They are literally inseparable!

And just like any good friend, Loki doesn’t judge Okami at all when he gets a haircut.

Loki and Okami are a perfect example of the power of friendship.

Dogs and cats may be portrayed as mortal enemies, however, just as these two prove, when you take away all of the stereotypes we humans place on animals, friendships can form no matter the species.

Photo credits: HayleyHyrule/Imgur │ via: