This Kitten Was Thrown Off A Bridge – But The Ending Is A Happy One

NORTH CAROLINA – A kitten who was thrown from a bridge in the Outer Banks has officially been rescued – and in more ways than one.

This passed Wednesday, the N.C. Department of Transportation posted on Facebook that a small kitten had been thrown off the Old Manns Harbor Bridge, which is also known as the William Umstead Memorial Bridge, in the Outer Banks.

Three DOT underwater inspectors – Reece Newman, Billy Cox and Ben Presgrave – worked together to rescue the little tabby.

“Luckily some of our employees were there to save the day!” DOT mentioned on Facebook.

After a speedy checkup at the vet, “Bridger Catfish Newman” as the kitten has been named, is healthy and has a new home with Newman and his family.

“We’re proud of our employees who go the extra mile,” DOT commented in another post updating the kitten’s condition on Thursday.

North Carolina’s Governor, Roy Cooper, even thanked the rescuers on Twitter on Thursday.

Photo credits: North Carolina Department of Transportation │ h/t: