Sick Kittens With Terrible Eye Infections Get Rescued From Narrow Stairwell

There aren’t too many things more precious than a kitten, except of course perhaps - four of them! The special little furballs in the video below were born in a small area inside a stairwell and were suffering from a nasty eye infection.

Lucky for the four of these kittens, someone contacted Hope for Paws and help was soon on the way!

One by one, gentle hands lifted each and every kitten out of the tight spot and placed them together in a crate. Though they seemed a bit scared, they all came out fairly easily thanks to their careful rescuers.

The last kitten, specifically, seemed to be suffering the most from the eye infection as the poor thing couldn’t see at all! What was even sweeter is the fact that the mama cat kept her eyes on things the entire time.

The very next task was getting the mama cat into a crate to get spayed, given needed medical attention, and ultimately, adopted.

Surprisingly, the Hope for Paws crew was indeed able to get her within a matter of minutes by setting up a trap.

Mama did start to freak out a bit but once the whole family arrived at the hospital, everyone finally relaxed!

As a non-profit organization, The Hope For Paws people are always in need of donations no matter how small. You can consider helping them in rescuing hundreds of animals a year by donating here.

If you might be interested in adopting any of these adorable kittens contact Stephanie Babcock who is with the Veterinary Care Center by clicking here. You may also inquire about adopting the mama from LA Animal Rescue by clicking here.

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