Sky the Ragdoll Cat! NOT FAT … Just FLUFFY!

Sky is a ragdoll cat whose perfectly huge coat of gorgeous white fur has made him an Instagram hit with more than 44,000 followers.

The 6-year-old cat is actually smaller than most cats of his breed – weighing only 14 pounds – but his fluffy fur leads strangers to believe that we weighs so much more!

“People actually comment on how overweight he is and how it is sad that I let him get to that point when in fact he’s actually, according to the vet, ‘in excellent shape,’” Sky’s owner, Lauren, told ABC News.

Lauren, who lives with her husband and Sky in Oregon, and asked that her last name not be mentioined, created Sky’s Instagram account a year ago and is shocked at her cat’s popularity.

“I never anticipated that he would become to be so popular, but I’m having fun with it,” she said. “I never thought I would find myself thinking while shopping, ‘Oh, this little hat would look cute on my cat in a picture.’”

Just take a gander at some of Sky’s best shots!






Photo credits: Sky the cat’s Instagram account!
