A Street Cat Named Bob To Appear On The Big Screen

The film is going to be called A Street Cat Named Bob. Production began in London just this past October, according to Screen Daily.

He my remind you of Morris without the attitude. Already the hero of a book, he’s about to have a movie made based on his life story.

The film will dramatize the incredible true story of James Bowen, a London man whose life was transformed when he met a little orange tabby with a big heart and an even bigger personality. Bowen’s heartwarming memoir recounts his journey from homelessness and heroin addiction to a brand new life.

The book became an instant success, selling more than four million copies in three years.

“It’s about how I found this little man here and how he changed my life after I nursed him back to health,” said Bowen in a video.

Bowen was living in public housing in London when he first found Bob in the hallway outside his room.

Bob had a wound that required antibiotics and trips to the vet, which this new friend provided. Bob became Bowen’s faithful sidekick and best friend.

When Bowen got on the bus to ride to the street corner where he played guitar for tips, Bob hopped up on the seat next to him. “And that was the day that changed our lives,” Bowen says.

Bowen bought Bob a harness and taught him how to give high-fives to commuters and and other passerby. People began taking photos and making videos which were later posted online, and Bob had quickly become a celebrity.

A book agent took notice of the story. It wasn’t long before the memoir, A Street Cat Named Bob, was published back in 2012. The book has been translated into more than 35 languages and Bowen was catapulted into a new life … a mew life. Get it?

“It’s absolutely blown my mind,” says Bowen Today the two are most often seen with Bob sitting on Bowen’s shoulder. “He’s a companion, and he really does think he’s one of the boys. He’s a very special little man.”

Source: www.lifewithcats.tv