Young Girl Sends Touching Letter to Police Asking Why Dogs Work For the Police but Cats Don’t …

UNITED KINGDOM – One police force could be the very first in the UK to use constabulary cats – after an adorable girl wrote a letter to her local police force asking them to consider putting a puss in police boots.

Little Eliza Adamson-Hopper, at just five, wrote to her local inspector after feeling that her feline friends could offer a valuable contribution to policing.

To her delight, Chief Inspector of Durham Police Michael Barton replied

To her delight, Chief Inspector of Durham Police Michael Barton replied

Eliza Adamson-Hopper, five, to the Chief Constable of Durham Police, asking why there are no police cats, as she thought they would be useful to the police

Eliza Adamson-Hopper, five, to the Chief Constable of Durham Police, asking why there are no police cats, as she thought they would be useful to the police

Eliza Adamson-Hopper said there should be cats in the police force

Eliza Adamson-Hopper said there should be cats in the police force

She received a reply from the Chief Constable Michael Barton of Durham Police, a self-confessed cat persom, praising her “good idea” and even drawing her a picture of his own cat Joey.

In the letter young Eliza, of Burnopfield, Newcastle upon Tyne, drew a picture of a policewoman and a dog and cat, wrote: “I wondered why you don’t use cats as well as dogs?”

Eliza’s mum, social worker Cheryl Adamson, 33, said: “Eliza always has great ideas and questions, and I agree with her – cats should get jobs in the police force too.

“It was a bit of a shock to get a hand-written reply – but not surprising.

“She’s just got loads of questions all the time. She’s always asking questions and asked me why don’t they have police cats.

“I told her to then write a letter to the police and the response is brilliant, especially the picture of Mr Barton’s cat Joey.

“But everyone is tickled by her response – I was howling with all her questions.

Chief Constable Barton drew a picture of his own cat Joey for Eliza

Chief Constable Barton drew a picture of his own cat Joey for Eliza

Chief Inspector Mike Barton said he would ask his staff to look into Eliza's idea

Chief Inspector Mike Barton said he would ask his staff to look into Eliza’s idea

“The officers are all very busy so it was great to get a response. I mean, they didn’t have to.”

The family own a horse, cat and dog, Tess, Mittens and Susie respectively, whose friendship is what originally inspired Eliza to sell the idea to police.

The single mother-of-one Cheryl added: “Eliza is animal crazy and this inspirational act may lead for cats to get jobs within the force in the future.

“A lot of people nowadays send emails and text messages so to get a response in a letter for a little girl is so exciting – I’m so proud of her.”

Mr Barton’s handwritten reply read as follows: “Thank you for your letter suggesting the police should use cats as well as police dogs.

“I am going to ask my inspector who is in charge of police dogs to think about your good idea.”

“I’ve always liked cats and I’ve drawn my cat Joey on the back of the letter (I’m not a very good drawer though!)

“Thank you, Michael Barton.”

Eliza was inspired by her cats Tess, Mittens and Susie

Eliza was inspired by her cats Tess, Mittens and Susie

Eliza's mum said she couldn't be prouder of her daughter's bright idea

Eliza’s mum said she couldn’t be prouder of her daughter’s bright idea

Inspector Richie Allen, of the Dog Support Unit, then told the force is considering incorporating cats into their fight against crime – although their designated role is yet undecided.

And although Eliza first received a letter from Insp Allen saying that her idea would not work out due to the natures of cats and dogs – he has since made a U-turn.

Insp Allen said: “I can confirm the force is looking into recruiting what we believe to be the first UK police cat.

“Their duties and responsibilities have not yet been agreed but if nothing else they will become the force mascot.

“Of course if it smells a rat we’ll expect it to catch it.”

Insp Allen also sent coloring materials and a Paws Up calendar to Eliza and the reply has prompted the youngster to try and raise charity cash to buy coats for retired PC dogs.
