Man Rescues Kitten, Kitten Rescues Man. A Match Made in Heaven

A wonderful man was in a position to rescue a wee one of a kitten and in turn, the kitten also saved his rescuer.

This is the heartwarming story of Scout and his cat daddy.

This poor little tabby kitty was meowing at the top of his lungs just when the man passed by him on his way to work. Probably realizing he had been saved, the kitten began to snuggle and nuzzle with the man and simply didn’t want to stop.

“We didn’t know if the kitten was gonna make it for awhile. My dad carried the kitten in a pouch around his neck while he worked and fed him from a bottle,” imgur user @shirleytempleblackmetal shared with Amy from Love Meow. “He survived thanks to the gentle care from my dad.”

This kitty couldn’t have arrived at a better time in this particular man’s life.

“After my dad losing his mother and our family dog Brandy in the past year, this kitten has certainly lifted his spirits.”

Since they day they came into each others lives, they have become inseparable.

Just goes to show you. Sometimes we cat lovers fool ourselves into believing we’ve rescued some cats. It’s more like the right cats find us and right when we need them.

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