Inside the trap, they found a black cat, the second one they’ve retrieved in the house in days.
The first cat is a bobtail, black-and-white longhair. Both cats have been taken to the Animal Control shelter. Thursday morning, the first cat was taken from the shelter by the Humane Society of Bay County, with ntentions that it be sterilized and vaccinated. Humane Society President Jeannie Wolickii-Nichols said the group plans to do the same with the second cat Friday.
The first cat was docile and friendly, Wolicki-Nicholas said, while the black cat is quite a bit more timid and feral, according to Animal Control Director Michael J. Halsteadq.
The first cat, dubbed “Whiskers” by Wolicki-Nichols, is a male believed to be approximately 6 years old. He weighs 11 pounds and a veterinarian who inspected him believes he was born with his tail stubby, as opposed to having lost it.
Two safe, one to go!
Photo credit: Bay City Times