Daily Archives: January 23, 2025

Carl Kahler's massive and mesmerizing "My Wife's Lovers" is coming to Portland. (Portland Art Museum)
Carl Kahler’s massive and mesmerizing “My Wife’s Lovers” — will soon hang at the Portland Art Museum starting Wednesday. Commissioned by San Francisco philanthropist Kate Birdsall Johnson in 1891, the 6-by-8.5-foot canvas showcases 42 of the millionaire’s Persian and Angora […]

UPDATE - That $826,000 Cat Painting is Heading to Portland, Oregon!

These cats appear to have the perfect vantage point for their next meal. Some Norfolk County councillors have said euthanasia is a possibility for dealing with the feral cat population in the county, especially if it means saving songbirds. KIM NOVAK/Simcoe Reformer
SIMCOE, ONTARIO, CANADA - Euthanasia is officially on the table as a possible response to Norfolk’s burgeoning problem with feral cats. Animal advocates in Norfolk have agitated in recent years for the county to somehow fund a trap-neuter-release program. The […]


If you ask 10 people the names of some wild cat species, you’ll likely get a list that includes lions, tigers, cheetahs and jaguars. And while those are all incredible felines, they just aren’t the only kitties out there. Below […]

5 Wild Cats You May Have Never Heard of