Daily Archives: February 10, 2025

This kitten, though adorable, was not one of the post office cats. (Lowell Georgia/Corbis)
When the Royal Mail announced that it will be opening a Postal Museum and Mail Rail exhibition that will feature a restored section of a little-known underground railroad, it kind of overshadowed the real story. Sure, the institution is responsible […]

The History of the Post Office Cats

CALEDONIA, MICHIGAN. — A Caledonia family has a warning for all pet owners after two of their cats were actually crushed under their garage door and killed. Scroll down to see the video of the original news coverage of this […]

Garage Door Kills 2 Cats And A Warning for All Cat Lovers

Animal behaviourist Erica Pankhurst at the Animal Welfare League with cats available for adoption. Photo: Peter Rae
AUSTRALIA - When Kristina Vesk first started working at the Cat Protection Society of NSW in 2006, she rarely saw kittens in winter. Now warmer weather means that cats are breeding all year round, increasing the numbers of unwanted kittens […]

How Cat Breeding Seasons Are Changing Due to Climate Change