His house is nothing less than a dream come true for all cats. Homeowner Greg Krueger was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome when he was 49, and since he wasn’t the most comfortable in social situations he decided to find a […]
A Third scientific study of the Birdsbesafe Cat Collar Cover, a bird-saving device made by a Duxbury company, has found that cats wearing the collar cover spend much less time hunting than cats that don’t have them on. The new […]
STORRINGTON, SUSSEX, UK - Animal welfare campaigners are now calling for an outright ban on snares after a young cat lost her leg when she became trapped. Two year old Tabitha was left with such horrific injuries that vets had […]
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY - A Lexington hip-hop artist is trying to keep neighborhood cats warm with the help of coffee beans. Hendrick Floyd, who performs under the stage name, “Sheisty Khrist”, has been feeding several cats who live near his home […]