This is a virtual date with Fabio is now streaming online for lonelyhearts who are willing to accept a digital facsimile of a Nordic nostalgia-torch in lieu of any human contact.
Are you without a special someone to be your Valentine this year? Let Feeln bring the romance to you with “Your Perfect Valentine’s Date.”
The stream itself went live on Wednesday, February 10, and it features Fabio luxuriating on a bear skin rug dotted in rose petals—you know, the way that women commonly fantasize about seeing men in a romantic setting? As a fire blazes behind him, Fabio says things like “So, tell me about your day” to embolden viewers with permission to talk about themselves, out loud, to a laptop-centered Fabio who just happens to be surrounded by cats.
“Your Perfect Valentine’s Date” is a promotion that may lead viewers to some of the movies available on Feeln, such as A Walk to Remember and As Good As It Gets. Feelmn is a subsidiary of Hallmark, the greeting card company who gave us Valentine’s Day in the first place, and whose track record remains unimpeachable straight through to this weird pseudo-date with Fabio.
Happy Valentine’s Day!