Recognizing irregular behavior is just one of the most common methods pet owners use to determine if their cat may be sick or in pain. One behavior that should be closely regulated is the urinary behavior of your cat. Keeping […]
This is a heartwarming story of Mark and his “queen” Tawny! This story is also a prime example of what just a little bit of kindness and love can do. Mark writes: “Years ago I had an outdoor colony of […]
PHOENIX, ARIZONA - Four newborn kittens with their umbillical cords still attached were recently discovered abandoned near a dumpster in a box by a good Samaritan who heard their faint cries for help, Arizona Humane Society Media Coordinator Ashliegh Goebel […]
DUBLIN, IRELAND - Over this past weekend, Joe Collins shared the incredible journey of his cat, Georgie, who ha been missing four years. “Georgie our one eyed cat went missing over four years ago having climbed under a neighbour’s car […]
MOUNT DRUITT, AUSTRALIA - An adorable kitten trapped in a drainpipe at Emerton shopping centre was saved by a kind fireman and a policewoman on Saturday. At about 3.30pm Constable Rebecca Edgar-Moore of Mt Druitt Police took a call from […]
While many may just presume that cats love being curled up at home more than anything else - there are some adventurous felines that spend most of their time exploring mountains with their owners. A new Instagram showcases the most […]
GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA — Lucifer came to the Guilford County Animal Shelter and all he did was hiss and spit. The cat — who is solid gray, with the tip of one ear clipped — was feral. He had spent […]
A tortie cat in Spain had been living in the streets for just about 10 years. That is, until one kind-hearted woman heard about him. Cristina decided she wanted to do something to help him. After all, what cat doesn’t […]
A simple visit to the vet can be anything but simple, especially for your cat. Regular examinations are extremely important, but your cat doesn’t see it that way. Cats find them more stressful, even torturous. This can be true for […]