UPDATE: Smurf and Shrek. Getting Better One Bath at a Time


Two kittens whose white bits were ‘colored in’ with blue and green marker pens are now well on the way to recovery.

Carers at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue Kittens are still nursing the kittens – named Smurf and Shrek – back to health bit by bit.

The four-week-old black and white kittens were rescued by police investigating drugs offenses at one of the homes in Bradford.

Volunteers at the charity immediately took the kittens in and have been bathing them repeatedly in surgical spirit and a special scrub to remove the dye from their fur.

Morons had turned all Smurf’s white bits blue and Shrek was inked in green.

Now the color is finally starting to fade and care co-ordinator Katie Lloyd stated: “We have been nursing the kittens for 36 hours and they are now much brighter in personality. The color is fading and they are feeding well.”

The story of extraordinary cruelty captured the attention of media outlets all around the world.

Katie said she had dealt with “literally hundreds” of calls from journalists and the story has been shared by literally thousands of people on Facebook.

The charity hopes the plight of the kittens will help to boost donations.

BCWR is the chosen stop for police and other emergency services in West Yorkshire with injured or abused cats and kittens.

The charity has 21 volunteer carers and is currently looking after just about 80 cats and kittens. It also offers a wonderful re-homing service.

Writing on her Facebook page Katie that said the charity wanted to deflect the media spotlight for a while and added: “Today we will be having a quieter day. We will not be meeting with the press or having lengthy interviews.

“We will be doing what we pride ourselves on the most – providing intensive nursing to the cats and kittens in our care.”

There is still no word on whether or not anyone will be formally charged with any offenses against these cats.


What do you think ?
