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Right On Father’s Day, Police Sergeant Finds a Stray Kitten and Ends Up …

When Officer Cardin who is of the Lakeland Police Department in Florida discovered a tiny, abandoned kitten hiding at the base of a lamp post at the corner of Florida Avenue and Pine Street, he quickly knew just what to do for the little one.

Officer Cardin decided to bring the kitten into the station and made a makeshift home from a records box.


However, when Sergeant Wallace saw the baby kitten, he didn’t want her to be alone the whole night. He cuddled with her throughout his entire shift!


Sergeant Wallace decided to name the kitten Kesley and ADOPTED HER! Kesley appropriately found her human dad right on Father’s Day!


The Lakeland Police Department commented on their Facebook page that Kelsey, “seemed to take to her new role as partner to Sgt Wallace, however, she did fall asleep her first night on the job.”


What a Father’s Day it was indeed for this adorable pair!

Photo credits: Lakeland PD/Facebook │ via: onegreenplanet.org