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5 People Abandoned This Poor Cat for Being ‘Too Demanding’ – Now He Gets …

The statistics concerning the pet overpopulation crisis are staggering. There are approximately 70 million stray animals living in the U.S. and of those, only about six to eight million cats and dogs enter the nation’s 3,500 shelters each and every year, according to the Humane Society of the United States.

In the end, only about three to four million cats and dogs are adopted from shelters each year and quite frequently, dogs and cats are brought back to the shelter after being surrendered by their guardians.

Sadly, that’s precisely what happened to James Bean the cat, not just once, but five times. The poor cat was returned to the shelter five times for being “too demanding.” However, it was then that Imgur user ncarbell adopted him – and this time for good. We just love a happy ending!

James Bean was adopted about two years ago from the San Francisco Animal Control by Imgur user ncarbell. He loves nothing more than to snuggle with his rainbow catnip sausage!

James Bean is also a huge fan of hampers.

Or more specifically, hiding in them!

And just like most other cats, James Bean loves a good box.

“…he’s the most loving cat I’ve ever had,”said Imgur user ncarbell.

A year after adopting this little cat, ncarbell explained that James Bean developed a life-threatening bladder blockage. Three weeks later and after various veterinary bills, James Bean returned home.

It’s truly wonderful to see cat parents take care of their babies in sickness and in health.

“He’s such a sweet, mellow fellow — and a very puffy one,” ncarbell says.

We’re happy James Bean finally has a purr-manent home!

Photo credits: ncarbell/Imgur h/t: onegreenplanet