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Woman And Her Cat Were Watching A Severe Storm And That’s When Lightning …

The cat in the clip below has apparently used at least one of his nine lives to escape that one and maybe threw his human mom another to help her out!

The woman and her cat were just admiring the storm when lightning struck.

“A little shaken after being struck by lightning this evening. But no sympathy please, I’m fine! Just want to share this WICKED COOL video!! Make sure your sound is only at medium and that you are sitting down,” Dawn posted on Facebook.

Take a look!

“I’m replaying the events and actually starting to laugh about it now. You should have seen Max (my kitty) and me dart from the room and the trepidatious way I came back in to close the door with more close lightening still striking,” Dawn went on to describe.

Dawn had a small mark on her foot, however, otherwise was fine.

Her cat, whose name is Zeus, was completely fine as well, but he more than likely did use one of his nine lives to escape unscathed.

zeus the cat

It’s fairly safe to say that Dawn and Zeus will be admiring storms from a bit further a way from now on.

Photo credits: Dawn Burr │ via: iizcat.com